Browse and shop for devices.
The Store is the section of the portal where customers can purchase products offered by various vendors in their clouds. It may contain products of different types and categories, such as physical products, digital extensions, warranties, and more.
This area of the portal is available only to administrators, and only if any products are being offered by the manufacturer or channel partners for this tenant.
Main store page
On the main screen, you can:
- Search for products by name.
- Sort by Featured, A–Z, Most Recent, Lowest Price, or Highest Price.
- Select a currency.
- Choose a category of products to display from the menu on the left (All Products, Hardware, Bundles, Software, Service/Support, and Add-Ons).

If there is more than one price plan for a product, a pill is displayed at the bottom of the item stating, for example, 1 More Price. Clicking the product will take you to the product page, which contains details on all available price plans and other information.
Product pages
You can click any product on the main store page to access additional information about that product and add it to your cart.

On the product page, you can:
- Select a price plan.
- Read the detailed product description.
- Select the quantity of the product you want to buy.
- Add the product to your cart.
View your cart
When you click the Add to Cart button from a product page, a window tagged to your shopping cart automatically opens beneath the cart icon in the top-right menu. Click anywhere on the screen outside the cart window to reduce it. Click the cart to display the window again.
The cart itself will show a red indicator with the number of items you’ve added to your cart but have not yet purchased.
In the shopping cart window, you can:
- View the items in your cart (price, name and quantity added to your cart).
- Increase or decrease the quantity of an item in your cart (decreasing the quantity to 0 removes it from the cart).
- View the total cost of the items in your cart, excluding taxes (tax is calculated during checkout, after you provide a shipping/billing address).
- Click the Checkout button to proceed to the Checkout Information screen.

Check out
When you click the Checkout button in the image above, the Checkout Information window will open.
In this window, you can:
- View the products in your cart (name, quantity, and price).
- Increase or decrease the quantity of any item in your cart.
- View the total cost of the items in your cart, excluding tax.
- Leave a note for the seller.

Clicking Continue takes you to the next screen, where you will be asked to provide a billing address. If there are physical items in your cart, you will be prompted to provide a shipping address as well. Click Continue again to go to the next screen, where you will be asked to provide payment details and make a payment.
Updated 10 months ago