
This API endpoint retrieves a list of spaces for the current organization.

Authentication & Authorization

Request must be authenticated and authorized by adding a special Header to each request containing the Organization Key (available in


    "items": [
            "id": xxxx,
            "name": "Room #2",
            "parent_id": xxxx,
            "config": {
                "events": {
                    "tree": {
                        "incidents": {
                            "email": true,
                            "gchat": true,
                            "slack": true,
                            "msteams": false,
                            "service_now": false
                    "inherit_tree": true,
                    "": true,
                    "inherit_incidents.gchat": true,
                    "inherit_incidents.slack": true,
                    "inherit_occupancy.vacant": true,
                    "inherit_incidents.msteams": true,
                    "inherit_occupancy.occupied": true,
                    "inherit_incidents.cisco_teams": true,
                    "inherit_incidents.service_now": true,
                    "inherit_incidents.fresh_service": true
                "general": {
                    "img": null,
                    "location": {
                        "location": {
                            "lat": 40.7127753,
                            "lng": -74.0059728
                        "utc_offset": -300,
                        "description": "New York, NY, USA",
                        "region_name": "America/New_York"
                    "priority_factor": 0,
                    "temperature_units": "celsius"
    "next_page": null

Error Handling

  • 401 Unauthorized: If the api_key is not provided or is invalid.

  • 403 Forbidden: If the user does not have permission to perform the requested action.

Last updated