
Retrieve information about the organization.


This endpoint requires Authorization.


Returns Paginated data of the following format for each item:

idstringUnique identifier of the organization. It is a universally unique identifier (UUID).
namestringName of the organization.
created_atstringDate and time when the organization was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2023-01-04T13:09:26Z").
labbooleanIndicates whether the organization is a lab environment (true) or a production environment (false). A lab is a sandbox environment for testing and demos.
partnerstringName of the partner organization.
domainstringDomain name associated with the organization's instance in the platform.
mobile_domainstringDomain name associated with the organization's mobile application.
pricing_planstringName of the pricing plan selected by the organization.
contactsobjectContains contact information for the organization.
admin_emailstringEmail address for administrative contacts.
admin_namestringName of the administrative contact.
finance_emailstringEmail address for financial contacts.
finance_namestringName of the financial contact.
statisticsobjectProvides a snapshot of the organization's key statistics.
devicesintegerNumber of devices associated with the organization.
usersintegerNumber of users associated with the organization.
groupsintegerNumber of groups associated with the organization.
spacesintegerNumber of spaces associated with the organization.
open_ticketsintegerNumber of open support tickets.
open_incidentsintegerNumber of open incidents.
pending_invoicesintegerNumber of pending invoices.
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