
This endpoint is used to claim organization devices.


This endpoint requires Authorization.

Request data

namestringName of the deviceNo
space_idstringID of the space that will claim the deviceYes
macstringMAC address of the device. The serial number and MAC address or the Device Cloud ID is requiredNo
snstringSerial number of the device. The serial number and MAC address or the Device Cloud ID is requiredNo
cloud_idstringCloud ID of the device. The serial number and MAC address or the Device Cloud ID is requiredYes


namestringName of the device.No
space_idstringID of the space that will claim the device.Yes
macstringMAC address of the device. The serial number and MAC address or the Device Cloud ID is required.No
snstringSerial number of the device. The serial number and MAC address or the Device Cloud ID is required.No
cloud_idstringCloud ID of the device. The serial number and MAC address or the Device Cloud ID is required.Yes

Request sample

  "space_id": "xxxxx",
  "name": "DSP-X200",
  "mac": "....",
  "sn": "...",
  "cloud_id": "LelJ5pO..."


idstringUnique identifier of the device. It is a universally unique identifier (UUID).
namestringName of the device.
snstringSerial number of the device.
macstringCloud ID of the device.
cloud_idstringUnique identifier of the device in the cloud.
statusstringCurrent status of the device: "online", "offline", "error".
last_seen_atstringTimestamp of the last time the device was seen online in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2024-07-29T10:18:39.267Z").
detailsobjectAdditional details about the device. This field might be null if no details are available.
modelobjectInformation about the device model.
idstringUnique identifier of the device model. It is a universally unique identifier (UUID).
namestringName of the device model.
sub_modelstringSub-model of the device. This field might be null if no sub-model exists.
firmwareobjectFirmware information.
versionstringCurrent firmware version of the device.
spaceobjectInformation about the space that claimed the device.
idintegerUnique identifier of the space where the device is located.
full_pathstringFull path of the space where the device is located. This path represents the hierarchical structure of the space.

Example JSON Response

  "id": "1ad4e4e4-99b4-48ed-be81-c4....",
  "name": "DSP-X200",
  "sn": "5pOLfS-YyeE4QlKnA...",
  "mac": null,
  "cloud_id": "LelJ5pOLfS-YyeE4Q...",
  "status": "online",
  "last_seen_at": "2024-07-29T10:18:39.267Z",
  "details": null,
  "model": {
    "id": "799d6127-71b1-45af-8bca-3ad2d...",
    "name": "DSP-X200",
    "sub_model": null
  "firmware": {
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "space": {
    "id": xxxxx,
    "full_path": "Green Energy Corp/United Kingdom/London/Executive Suite"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!